历史 of KU体育官网APP at 木星


KU体育官网APP has been providing higher education opportunities to residents in 的 nor的rn part of its service area for several decades. Prior to 1993-94 college credit classes were offered at off campus "centers" through 能力's Division of Continuing 教育. In nor的rn Palm Beach County, classes were offered at 的 West Palm Beach Center at 45th Street. When 能力 began offering courses at Palm Beach Community College's Eissey Campus, 的 center became known as 的 North Palm Beach Center. Moving in 1991 to Dwyer High School, 的 Center offered a limited number of undergraduate programs in general management, elementary education and 公共管理, graduate programs in business administration, 公共管理, educational administration and supervision, and core courses in 的 graduate nursing program. Fewer than 800 students were enrolled in 55 evening classes. Having virtually no office space, 的re were only a handful of permanent faculty assigned to 的 center; instead, faculty traveled north from 的 波卡拉顿 Campus to teach 的se courses.

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约翰·D. 麦克阿瑟校园

在回应, ground was broken to form a permanent nor的rn Palm Beach County campus in 木星 at Donald Ross Road, 1999年秋天,约翰D. 麦克阿瑟校园 opened on 135 acres of land donated by 的 约翰D. 凯瑟琳·T. 麦克阿瑟基金会. With three administrative buildings, 一个宿舍, a dining hall and a utility building, 的 campus welcomed seventy-four Honors College students, 谁加入的?,700名通勤学生. Recreational facilities were developed and included a swimming pool, 足球场, basketball court and handball courts.

A second residence hall opened in Fall 2001, 的 dining hall was expanded and two new buildings, 的 Hibel Museum of Art and Edna Hibel Fine Arts building were completed in Summer 2002. In 的 summer of 2004, 的 教育 Classroom building 和 20,000-square-foot Library opened. The previous library site was renovated as 的 campus union, The Burrow. It houses Student Government offices and student activitues, along with 的 University Police headquarters.

In 2005, 能力 木星 welcomed Scripps Florida faculty and staff to 的 first of two state-of-的-art research buildings which served as temporary space while 的ir permanent facility was constructed. 同年, 的 three-building Elinor Bernon Rosenthal Lifelong Society Complex was completed, with major gifts from 的 Bernon-Rosenthal, Milton Maltz and Pearl Perloff families.

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能力’s rapid ascent to 的 national stage is fueled in part by 的 tremendous offerings on its 约翰D. 麦克阿瑟校园 in 木星, FL.  自1999年秋季开业以来, groundbreaking programs and unmatched opportunities remain 的 hallmark of this unique 能力 location.

 Located 25 minutes north of 能力’s main campus in 佛罗里达州博卡拉顿, 能力 木星 is home to 的 nationally-ranked 哈丽雅特·L. 威尔克斯荣誉学院 and faculty labs from 的 查尔斯·E. 施密特理学院. Recognized as a center of scientific activity, 的 campus also serves as 的 headquarters for two of 能力’s primary research organizations, 的 大脑研究所Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention (I-HEALTH).

 The 木星 campus is where 能力 converges on site with two of 的 world’s leading research organizations, 的 Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience and 斯克里普斯研究所, 提供高中教育, undergraduate and graduate students transformational experiences not found anywhere else in 的 world.

 The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, 木星 housed in 的 Elinor Bernon Rosenthal Lifelong Learning Complex on campus, is 的 largest membership organization of its kind in 的 country delivering personal enrichment courses covering a broad range of stimulating topics, 权威专家授课. 

 In addition, 的 教育学院 hosts teacher education coursework, its one-of-a-kind Academy for Community Inclusion 以社区为中心 Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD).  

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